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  • Walsall,
  • WS5 3HF.
  • Telephone number: 01922 720761


After a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast: cereals, toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, selection of fruits and yoghurts, we are off to a full day of activities including raft building, kayaking, abseiling, archery and the gladiator wall!


And it’s our visit to the shop today with disco this evening!


Sun is peeping through the clouds. 


Y6 have enjoyed a lovely lunch fuelling them up for this afternoon. They had a choice of jacket potato (with different toppings) or chicken nuggets and chips. The nuggets were a particular hit.

Children who didn't go kayaking yesterday will be doing so this afternoon.


Burgers and chips or chicken tikka masala has gone down well for tea -  there were lots of happy faces when they realised it was doughnuts for pudding! Year 6 are now dancing the night away at the disco.
