Home Page
  • Park Hall Road,
  • Walsall,
  • WS5 3HF.
  • Telephone number: 01922 720761


At Park Hall Junior Academy, we intend to provide children with the knowledge, skills and understanding that will lay their foundations in understanding the world around them through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. 


We aim to foster an appreciation of science and the role it has played in our history and the potential it has to influence our futures.  


Through the knowledge imparted in our science curriculum, alongside the skills both demonstrated and practised, we aim to foster a curiosity and excitement in the natural phenomena they experience.  We endeavour to teach them the importance of careful analysis, prediction and rational explanations of what we have discovered. 


These skills will not only ensure they are ready for future study in Secondary education, and potentially beyond, but will also ready them for enquiry and independent research skills for life. 


Our pupils are naturally inquisitive and passionate about the world around them; as such, our curriculum has been designed to exceed that expected of them in the National Curriculum. 


They will ‘Learn to Live and Live to Learn’
